
Can a six-month-old baby drink pomegranate juice? At this stage, what types of juices can the baby consume?


A six-month-old baby can indeed begin to introduce vegetables and fruits into their diet, but they should be added one at a time, and freshly squeezed juices should be diluted with water. Parents should monitor for any signs of delayed tooth development or other abnormal symptoms, such as crying, bald spots on the head, or pectus carinatum, which may require supplementation with vitamin D and calcium. If no obvious abnormalities are present, some chewable foods can be given, but care must be taken to avoid choking. It is recommended to check the baby’s trace elements and appropriately supplement with calcium and vitamin D. While pomegranate juice can be consumed, it should be done in small quantities since pomegranates have astringent properties that may lead to constipation if consumed excessively.