
How is the baby’s jaundice measured by the nurse?


According to your description, the nurse conducted the jaundice measurement directly between the baby’s eyebrows without obstructing the baby’s eyes. If that’s the case, you may be concerned about the potential harm of the light to the baby’s eyes. Rest assured, the flash from the jaundice meter does not affect the baby’s vision and will not cause any damage to the optic nerve. Therefore, there is no need to worry excessively.

Additional Information

Jaundice is a common physiological phenomenon in newborns, which is usually harmless. If your baby shows signs of jaundice, it is typically due to an underdeveloped liver that cannot metabolize and excrete bilirubin normally. In most cases, jaundice will resolve on its own. However, to ensure your baby’s healthy growth, make sure your baby receives proper nutrition and avoid making your baby too cold or too hot. Additionally, regularly monitoring your baby’s physical development is also very important. May your baby grow up healthily!