Is it effective to drink Guoteng tea for a baby with high jaundice? Should I stop breastfeeding since the jaundice level became high on the 9th day? The baby’s jaundice was normal at birth.
Based on your description, it is initially considered to be pathological jaundice. Drinking that tea is ineffective. Moreover, it is not recommended for such a young child to drink tea as the digestive system is not yet mature. It is suggested to provide intravenous fluids and blue light therapy for the treatment of jaundice. Treatment must be proactive, otherwise, if the condition persists for a long time, it may lead to nuclear jaundice affecting the development of the nervous system. Newborn jaundice usually appears within 2 to 3 days after birth, peaks at 4 to 6 days, and gradually subsides between 7 to 10 days. The child should have good spirits and appetite, without fever, vomiting, or other adverse reactions. If jaundice persists for a long time, recurs, or is accompanied by poor general condition of the child, it is necessary to visit a hospital for medical consultation.