
My baby was just born two days ago and the doctor said there was mild jaundice, so some medication was prescribed and then we were discharged. After a few days of taking the medicine, I’m not sure how to determine if the jaundice has completely cleared up. Should the jaundice be at zero when it’s gone?


Hello, complete resolution of newborn jaundice does not mean it has dropped to zero; it is determined by blood tests to assess liver function, with total bilirubin levels below 2mg/dl. Clinically, resolution means basic resolution, not detailed by visible yellowing. To determine if the jaundice has cleared up, start by observing the baby’s eyes; if there is no yellowing, it may indicate that the jaundice has cleared up. You can also press on the baby’s skin; if it turns white, this indicates that the jaundice has cleared up. However, if the pressed area turns yellow, this means the jaundice has not cleared up and treatment may be needed at the hospital.