
During pregnancy, the mother took medication due to physical discomfort. Now, the child is nearly two years old and is behind in walking ability compared to same age children. The hospital diagnosed the condition as pediatric cerebral palsy. What are the symptoms of pediatric cerebral palsy?


Children with cerebral palsy typically have lower motor abilities than typically developing children and poorer self-control over movement. Mild disabilities may only manifest as slightly uncoordinated or clumsy hand and foot movements, while severe disabilities may result in hands that cannot grasp objects, feet that cannot walk, and inability to roll over, sit up, stand, and even chew and swallow normally. Most children with cerebral palsy may also have varying degrees of speech disorders, some showing difficulties in language expression or articulation, while others may have unclear pronunciation or stammering. This information is intended to provide an understanding of the symptoms of pediatric cerebral palsy and is offered with the hope of being helpful to you, and wishing you health.