
A four-year-old boy frequently complains of leg pain, especially after suddenly expressing pain in his right knee joint six days ago, which made him unable to walk. Although the situation improved the next day, he still felt pain on the third day, and even experienced discomfort at night. An ultrasound examination revealed a hydrocele in the hip joint. Request a medical diagnosis.


Children, due to their lively nature and active lifestyle, have a more vigorous metabolism of tissue cells. Overexertion may lead to the accumulation of lactic acid between tissue cells, stimulating nerve endings and causing pain. This condition is particularly common after intense physical activity. If parents notice that their child is pain-free during the day but experiences pain at night, it is often growth pain. For growth pains, there is no need to restrict the child’s activities or seek medical assistance unless the pain is severe, in which case the child should be allowed to rest more.