
What are the dietary restrictions for infants with diarrhea?


When infants have diarrhea, special attention should be paid to dietary management. Breastfeeding is the best way to prevent diarrhea, as breast milk is best suited to an infant’s nutritional needs and digestive abilities. Breast milk contains various digestive enzymes and antibodies required by infants, which can neutralize certain bacterial enterotoxins and prevent infection. Therefore, unless there are chronic diseases such as tuberculosis or kidney disease, breastfeeding should be encouraged. At the same time, attention should be given to proper feeding methods, including regular feeding times and avoiding weaning during summer or when the infant is sick. Additionally, using bowls and spoons instead of bottles is a good way to reduce contamination, as bottles, especially rubber nipples, are not easy to clean and disinfect, which can easily lead to contamination and diarrhea.