
Recently observed that the child’s food intake has decreased, preferring yogurt and bread, and showing less interest in regular meals. Parents are concerned about this, as the child is also experiencing anemia symptoms, with lips appearing paler. Although attempts have been made to give Jiangzhong Jianwei Xiaoshi, the child has lost interest in it. Parents are seeking professional advice to find ways to improve the child’s eating situation.


Firstly, it is important to assess whether the child’s growth and development is within the normal range. Check the child’s diet structure to see if there is an excessive intake of sugary drinks and snacks, which may replace some of the regular meals. At the same time, consider whether the child’s level of activity is sufficient; children with higher levels of activity tend to have better appetites. Therefore, encouraging more activity for the child can help boost appetite. For infants, it is not recommended to over-cuddle them; instead, provide appropriate space for movement. When a child’s appetite is poor, it is not advisable to provide too many thin or liquid foods.