
I don’t know why, but my baby has developed low intelligence. I want to know if there are any good treatment methods for low intelligence?


Generally, a comprehensive evaluation is needed in such cases. It’s best to undergo brain imaging and EEG tests to consider any associated brain lesions and confirm whether it is indeed low intelligence. Additionally, changes in attitude and emotions, postnatal training, and diet nutrition all have certain effects. Maintaining a positive attitude and healthy diet and lifestyle habits, and appropriately targeted intelligence training can enhance a child’s ability to live independently. It is recommended to visit a specialized hospital for specific cause diagnosis and early treatment. In addition to timely treatment for low intelligence, patients should always maintain a cheerful attitude towards facing diseases. Only in this way can patients improve their immunity and combat diseases with determination. At the same time, pay close attention to self-care and observe changes in symptoms, believing that this will definitely drive away low intelligence.