
My relative’s family recently adopted a child. I feel that this child is very special, always moving around and having very intense emotions, almost impossible to touch, and cursing randomly. Some people say the child might have ADHD. What is this condition of ADHD? How should pediatric ADHD be treated?


Psychotherapy is a method to treat the psychological defects of children with ADHD. It encourages parents and healthcare professionals to educate children with the correct attitude towards students, to cultivate good living and learning habits, train self-control, and study diligently. These behaviors are important contents of psychotherapy. At the same time, it is necessary to actively carry out discipline education for children with ADHD and illegal behavior, encouraging and rewarding them when they are undergoing related treatments. Medication treatment is symptomatic, with excessive movement usually controlled by medication. Home education and management should not be overlooked, and children should be treated with patience, care, and love.