
My child is 8 weeks old and has been stuttering for about half a year. They always worry about others interrupting them while speaking and tend to speak loudly. When they get anxious, they start to stutter. Now, if they lower their voice and slow down, it’s much better. At the hospital, blood tests showed that the levels of calcium, iron, and zinc are lower than the minimum levels for children. What should we pay attention to? Thank you.


The main causes of children’s stuttering are twofold: one is imitation and suggestion, as most stutterers learn the habit from others’ speech, which is more susceptible to imitation during childhood; the other is psychological factors, such as fear and anxiety caused by shock, severe scolding, or environmental changes. For children’s stuttering, it is recommended to adopt targeted treatment methods and pay attention to supplementing calcium, iron, and zinc nutrients to promote the improvement of the stuttering problem.