
Since May 25th, a child has been experiencing a persistent fever and was initially diagnosed with an upper respiratory infection, receiving corresponding treatment. As of May 31st, after blood tests and other symptom evaluations, the child was diagnosed with Kawasaki disease. Currently, the platelet count has reached above 700, and the child has been on medication for half a month. Parents are concerned whether continuing the medication can effectively reduce the platelet count.


According to the described situation, the normal range for platelet counts is typically between 100 and 300, and counts exceeding 400 are classified as thrombocytosis. Mild thrombocytosis is often secondary and usually does not require special treatment. In your case, although the child’s platelet count is high, it does not have a significant impact on their body. It is recommended to continue with consolidation treatment under the guidance of a doctor, as platelet counts may decrease during the treatment process.