
The neonatal jaundice test results show: DBIL (Direct Bilirubin) is 27.7, T-BIL (Total Bilirubin) is 286.8, TP (Total Protein) is 49.8, and the test was taken 13 days after birth. What do these data represent?


Neonatal jaundice can be divided into physiological jaundice and pathological jaundice. Physiological jaundice usually appears 2 to 3 days after birth, reaches its peak between 4 to 6 days, and full-term infants typically resolve it spontaneously within 2 weeks. Premature infants may take up to 3 to 4 weeks to clear it. During this period, the baby’s diet and sleep are usually normal. Physiological jaundice generally has no impact on the baby’s health. Pathological jaundice requires medical intervention and is characterized by early onset of jaundice (within 24 hours after birth), severe degree, prolonged duration, or recurrence. Pathological jaundice may be associated with newborn…