
My baby, who is three months old now, was born at two and a half months. He often spits up, and after he fell and hit his head on the floor yesterday, he had a jet-like vomiting today. Is there a problem? What should I do about the constant spitting up? We have been feeding him according to the book’s instructions to try not to move him too much, holding him, burping him, etc., but it still doesn’t work. Should we see a doctor?


Vomiting is a reflex action in which stomach contents or part of the small intestine contents flow back into the mouth through the esophagus. It may be caused by many diseases, including gastrointestinal problems, fever, and head infections. Severe vomiting can lead to excessive fluid loss and consequently other health issues. Common symptoms include vomiting after eating, acidic or thin mucus in vomit, nausea, burping, abdominal bloating, and listlessness. If your baby frequently exhibits these symptoms, it is advisable to seek medical attention promptly for diagnosis and appropriate treatment methods.