
Hello, my son is already 8 months old. Because my breast milk is not enough, I have been using a mix of formula milk and breast milk for feeding. However, in recent days, he has refused to eat formula milk and strongly rejects the bottle. What good advice do experts have for this? Do I need to use other foods to replace the formula milk?


The main reason your baby doesn’t like formula milk is that he prefers breast milk. Since he is mainly breastfed, he cannot accept other dairy products. This time, you should pay attention to appropriately introducing new foods for your baby. You can gradually introduce rice porridge, egg yolks, and jam, and then move on to meat porridge and cooked noodles. After changing the taste, your baby will gradually be able to accept the taste of formula milk and increase the amount of formula milk he consumes. This involves changing the feeding method and adjusting the food structure. This combination of three foods is a reasonable nutritional combination.