
My child always wants to be held upright, and I notice that when she puts her feet down, she has a bit of a toe-first landing, but she also lands on the entire sole of her foot. Lately, she likes to lie down with her two little feet crossed and rubbing them together. Is this normal?


Alarmed! Because my baby has the same issue. Along with the muscles being highly tense. At home, you can gently move your baby’s wrists. Our medical records here say that it’s dangerous for a 6-month-old baby to have toe-first landings. But I don’t think my baby’s problem is serious. Look at how your baby’s motor development is going. Now at 4 months, there’s lifting the head, turning over, and grasping fine motor skills.Brain damage is irreversible, but before 6 months, the baby’s brain develops rapidly. Doing more passive exercises and massages can be very helpful for your baby’s development!