
When a child has a fever and experiences seizures, what should be done?


When a child has a fever and seizures occur, parents should take the following measures to handle the situation:

  1. Press the Ren Zhong Acupoint (located slightly above the center of the Ren Zhong) with your thumb to temporarily stop the seizures. However, physical cooling(cooling) should be combined to prevent further seizures.
  2. Stay calm and try to minimize stimulation to the child; avoid shouting or making loud noises.
  3. Place the child on their back with the head turned to one side, loosen their clothing, and keep the airway clear to prevent oral saliva or vomit from returning into the trachea, which could lead to suffocation or aspiration pneumonia.
  4. Apply a cold towel soaked in water or place an ice pack on the head.
  5. When the child is awake, you can also use methods such as a warm bath (water temperature 30-40 degrees Celsius) or alcohol sponge bath for physical cooling(cooling) to lower body temperature and prevent seizures. Please note that the above suggestions are for reference only, and specific situations should be handled in consultation with a doctor.