
A relative’s 9-month-old child has been diagnosed with spastic cerebral palsy and is currently undergoing rehabilitation training, as well as receiving intracerebral protein infusion and acupoint injection. The parents are concerned about the child’s acupuncture and acupoint injection treatments and hope to understand experts’ opinions and suggestions on this treatment method.


The effects of acupuncture on 9-month-old cerebral palsy patients are not significant. Treatment should primarily focus on oral medicine, accompanied by rehabilitation training and massage, while trying to avoid the use of acupuncture. The treatment of cerebral palsy is challenging, and it is recommended to choose methods that cause less pain to the child. The causes of cerebral palsy are often prenatal or neonatal, including birth injuries, neonatal jaundice, brain hypoxia, preterm birth, and others. The main symptoms include increased muscle tension, difficulty in movement, and in severe cases, the feet may not touch the ground. Most patients also have language development and articulation disorders.