
Dear reader, our little girl is currently 3 years old. Initially, she complained of pain when swallowing, and we noticed that she seems to have difficulty swallowing. Moreover, she has a persistent high fever. What are the clinical manifestations of pediatric tonsillitis?


If a child indeed has tonsillitis, the initial symptom is throat pain, which causes the child to frequently cry and struggle while swallowing. The child may also have a fever, either low-grade or as high as 39-40 degrees Celsius. Accompanying the fever might be chills and headaches, and most children feel generally weak. At this point, the tonsils are usually congested, appearing red and swollen. Further progression of the illness may lead to more severe complications, even sepsis or endocarditis. If the condition is severe, it is recommended to take the child to a doctor for an early diagnosis and treatment.