
A premature baby born on September 18, 2007 (34 weeks + 2 days, weighing 1.9 kg) experienced grunting after birth, diagnosed with pulmonary hypoplasia, and required admission to an incubator for oxygen therapy. The doctor diagnosed the baby with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, a severe condition. How should one handle the issue of neonatal hydrocephalus?


Based on the described situation, the premature baby is facing two main diagnoses: premature baby respiratory distress syndrome, caused by a lack of pulmonary surfactant, which is addressed by the calf lung surfactant used in the hospital; and neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, a condition caused by brain cell damage due to the lack of pulmonary surfactant in premature babies. For the management of neonatal hydrocephalus, it is recommended to closely follow the doctor’s treatment plan and proceed with necessary care under the guidance of a professional medical team.