
My son is 7 months old, and since birth, his left eye has always been watery, and later he also had eye discharge. When he was four months old, we took him to the hospital for a check-up, and the doctor recommended massaging the corner of his eye, but there has been no improvement yet. Every night, we persistently drop Tillybuto. What should we do? I’ve heard that it will naturally get better as he grows up, is that true?


We all have lacrimal glands that produce tears and lacrimal ducts that drain them (including tear points, lacrimal ducts, lacrimal sacs, and nasolacrimal ducts). Typically, some of the tears produced by the lacrimal glands evaporate and solidify. Some tears flow through the lacrimal ducts into the nasal cavity. Some people are more sensitive to cold stimuli. When the eyes are exposed to cold air, the lacrimal glands produce more tears. In fact, this is a protective physiological response of the lacrimal glands to cold stimuli.