
Lately, I’ve noticed red bumps around my daughter’s vulva, and she sometimes scratches herself. I suspect it’s an itchy condition, and I would like to know the cause and treatment methods.


  1. Incomplete development of the vulva in young girls can lead to the urethral and vaginal orifices not being fully covered, making it easy for bacteria to Intrusion .
  2. Lower levels of estrogen can result in thin vaginal epithelium and less glycogen, making infections more likely and causing vulvar itching.
  3. Poor hygiene habits in infants, such as unclean vulva, fecal contamination, or damage to the vulva or worm infections, can all lead to inflammation.
  4. There may be foreign objects inserted into the vagina, causing secondary infection, or indirect transmission through contact with the clothing or bath items of an infected mother. It is recommended to keep a baby girl’s vulva clean, wash underwear separately, and disinfect by exposing them to sunlight.