
A 23-day-old infant, breastfed, has a jaundice value of 12.7 on the forehead and has experienced vomiting multiple times. The parent wants to know if it is necessary to stop breastfeeding, and whether drinking glucose water and sunbathing can help jaundice subside. Additionally, the parent would like to know the normal average range for newborn jaundice levels.


If a newborn’s jaundice level exceeds 17.1 mmol/l, it may indicate a risk of jaundice. Your baby’s jaundice level is slightly elevated, and you may consider using blue light therapy in conjunction with oral traditional Chinese medicine to control it. Sunbathing is also an effective auxiliary method. If it is breastfeeding-related jaundice, temporarily stopping breastfeeding for three days may have a significant effect. It is recommended that you take your baby to see a pediatrician for treatment guidance and proper daily care. During the breastfeeding cessation period, you can provide formula milk.