
There have been reports of a newborn in a family tragically dying due to suffocation, but the specific cause remains unclear. Many parents are concerned about this issue, particularly regarding whether it is appropriate for newborns to consume meat after suffocation.


Dear parents, newborn suffocation refers to a condition caused by various reasons during pregnancy, childbirth, or postpartum, leading to fetal hypoxia and subsequently causing intrauterine distress or respiratory and circulatory disorders during the birthing process. This situation results in newborns not having spontaneous breathing or failing to establish regular breathing within one minute after birth, with the main pathological and physiological changes being hypoxemia, hypercapnia, and acidosis. To prevent newborn suffocation, it is recommended to undergo relevant check-up programs during pregnancy. As for diet, the newborn’s diet should follow the doctor’s guidance, and not all suffocated newborns need to avoid meat; the specific situation should be determined by the doctor’s diagnosis.