
The one-year-old child started having diarrhea yesterday, with three occurrences. Today, the frequency has increased to six. After taking two doses of medicine at noon, the stool is still loose and soft. Is this situation severe? Can the child take this medicine? How many days should it be taken?


Hello! Please carefully observe your baby’s stool changes. If the situation improves, you can continue with the current medication. However, if there is no improvement after using it for two consecutive days, you should consider changing the medicine. If the symptoms improve after taking the medicine, you can take 1 to 2 more doses after stabilization, but do not overdo it. If the condition does not improve, it may be due to your child having acute enteritis. You can continue with the current medication, but you need to observe the situation after taking it for a few more days, or you can go to the hospital for a check-up to determine your child’s condition and conduct a regular stool test.