
One week after birth, a newborn’s bilirubin index was found to be abnormally high, and the eyes appeared yellow. Most of the time, the baby is in a drowsy state that is hard to wake up. Is the yellowing of the eyes due to newborn jaundice considered a severe condition?


Newborn jaundice refers to a condition in which bilirubin metabolism is abnormal during infancy, leading to an increase in bilirubin levels in the blood, and subsequently causing yellowing of the skin, mucous membranes, and sclera. This is a common clinical problem in newborns. The condition is categorized into physiological and pathological types, with physiological jaundice typically requiring no special treatment. However, if symptoms such as drowsiness and difficulty waking up are present, one should be vigilant about the possibility of pathological jaundice. In such cases, blue light therapy should be administered to reduce the bilirubin levels.