
Children often complain of abdominal pain before and after meals, with the pain mainly concentrated around the navel. This condition has persisted for about half a year, with each episode being short-lived and self-resolving. The child’s overall health is good, with no other medical history. In the past, traditional Chinese medicine has been tried, which improved the symptoms. In addition, a stool test has been conducted, with normal results.


Abdominal pain in children can be caused by various factors, and it is recommended to go to the hospital for a detailed examination. Common causes of abdominal pain in children include:

  1. Intestinal worms: Can be detected through intestinal motility checks and consideration of intestinal deworming medication.
  2. Intestinal spasm: Related to individual constitution and dietary habits, and should be adjusted accordingly.
  3. Mesenteric lymphadenitis.
  4. Mesenteric cyst: Can be confirmed through B-ultrasound examination.
  5. Chronic appendicitis: Can be detected through barium enema appendiceal examination.
  6. Intestinal malrotation, pediatric diverticulitis, and other related intestinal diseases. In summary