
What are the treatment methods for the vagus nerve? What is vagus nerve overexcitation, and how does it lead to symptoms like laryngeal spasm, and what should be done to treat it? Is it necessary to take specific medications or pay attention to certain matters in daily life?


Vagus nerve overexcitation may be associated with symptoms such as nausea and can lead to atrioventricular conduction delay. During an electrocardiogram, vagus nerve overexcitation may cause third-degree atrioventricular block, manifesting as cold extremities, slow heart rate, and brief loss of consciousness. This condition is known as atrioventricular conduction block, and it is recommended to undergo a cardiac electrophysiological examination at a large hospital to assess the function of the sinoatrial and atrioventricular nodes. This condition cannot be prevented, but symptoms may improve with age. In the future, a pacemaker may need to be implanted.