
A nearly six-month-old male baby has been consistently consuming formula milk. Recently, due to improper eating, he has developed diarrhea, with the feces containing water and milk curds, but his appetite and mental state remain good. The parents are seeking an immediate method to stop the diarrhea.


If the diarrhea is not caused by food poisoning, it is important to avoid using medication randomly to ensure the baby’s safety. At the same time, encourage the baby to drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration. You can try giving the baby cooked apples, adding apple pieces to porridge and cooking them, as cooked apples have the effect of regulating the intestines and firming up stools. You can also provide pureed cooked apples. When sleeping, cover the baby’s abdomen to prevent colds; if the environmental temperature is too low, use a hot water bottle for warmth, but be cautious of the temperature to prevent burns. Additionally, be aware of any specific food allergies the baby may have; if there is any suspicion, seek medical assistance to rule out food-related or allergic diseases.