
My son is six months old, and for the past two days, he has been having loose, watery stools resembling egg flower soup with a lot of water content, less urine, and a yellowish tint. The regular stool test shows fat globules 1+, but I have never given him any oil-containing food; he only eats formula milk, rice porridge, congee, and breast milk. Could it be indigestion? The tongue coating is slightly white; what should I feed him?


This is rotavirus enteritis, previously known as infantile diarrhea. If there is less urine, sunken fontanelle, and decreased alertness, it indicates dehydration. Hospital intravenous treatment should be sought. 1. Feed the baby appropriately and adjust the diet. 2. Prevent diaper rash. 3. If a baby with severe diarrhea develops dehydration, hospitalization for electrolyte replenishment is necessary. 4. When preparing artificial feeding or complementary foods, attention should be paid to food hygiene to prevent illness from entering through the mouth. The baby’s bottles and nipples should be boiled and sterilized daily.