
My son (male) is now 15 months old, and for some reason over the past two weeks, he has been drinking an excessive amount of water. Last night alone, he drank 3 bottles (240ml per bottle). Actually, our meals aren’t too salty, and just the other day he had a cold. Could this be a reason?


A child frequently drinking water may be suffering from juvenile diabetes. When children have diabetes, they often feel thirsty and drink a lot of water. If a child’s blood sugar continues to rise, they may experience symptoms of polyuria. At this point, the child will become thirsty due to polyuria, leading to frequent drinking. If not treated promptly, this can lead to imbalances in protein and fat metabolism, causing the child to gradually become thinner and more exhausted. Therefore, for the child’s health, parents should take their child to the hospital for a medical examination as soon as they notice these symptoms.