
My baby is four months and five days old, consuming formula milk and rice porridge, having bowel movements two to three times a day. The first stool is usually drier, while the latter one or two are looser. Today, the second stool had a bit of blood in it. I want to know what could be the cause.


Firstly, I wish your child a speedy recovery! Let me explain the issue of “blood in stool.” Blood in stool refers to the passage of blood through the digestive tract during defecation, resulting in stool that contains blood or is entirely composed of blood. The color of the stool depends on the location of bleeding, the amount of blood, and the time it spends in the digestive tract. If the bleeding occurs in the lower digestive tract (small intestine, colon, rectum, anus), the stool is usually bright red or dark red; if it’s from the upper digestive tract (esophagus, stomach, duodenum), the stool is typically tarry. As for your baby’s situation, it could be due to blood in stool from a lower digestive tract bleeding. The specific cause requires further examination and diagnosis to determine. It is recommended that you consult a doctor promptly for relevant examinations and treatment.