
My child recently suffered from acute mesenteric lymphadenitis and was hospitalized. I would like to ask if recurrent attacks of acute mesenteric lymphadenitis are likely to turn into chronic? The child was not diagnosed with this disease during the first instance, and after being treated as a stomachache, recovered spontaneously after about 10 days. Is it serious if it was not treated the first time? How can this disease be prevented?


Based on your description, you are currently suffering from mesenteric lymphadenitis due to inflammation. The main factors for this condition may be congenital factors, intestinal dysfunction, or inflammatory infection. In this case, my suggestion is to pay attention to local hygiene and sanitation, avoid consuming stimulating food stimulating food (stirring food), and at the same time, appropriate measures such as surgery or using cephalosporin antibiotics for treatment can have certain alleviating effects. Whether acute mesenteric lymphadenitis will recur and turn into a chronic disease depends on individual conditions. If appropriate treatment and preventive measures are taken in a timely manner, most cases can avoid recurrent attacks and transformation into chronic diseases. However, if the condition is not treated or treated improperly, it may lead to exacerbation of the condition or the occurrence of complications. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the first instance of illness not being treated, and it is recommended to seek medical attention promptly and follow the doctor’s advice for treatment. Prevention of mesenteric lymphadenitis…