
My baby is now 23 months old and has recently been coughing while eating (close to being full) and this also happens occasionally in the morning. He used to vomit out all the medicine when being fed. The amount he eats for meals is still good. I am very worried about what might be causing this. I hope an expert can help me relieve my concerns.


Coughing while eating in babies may be caused by food stimulation. If the baby is normal during regular meals, it may be due to coughing caused by food stimulating the throat. When the throat is stimulated, it automatically closes the nasopharynx and pharynx passage, dilates the esophagus, and prevents vomit from entering the trachea or nose, forming a vomiting or dry cough-like reflex action. The baby may experience coughing after eating crispy snacks or particularly sweet things. It is recommended to observe the baby’s dietary habits and food choices, avoid giving the baby overly stimulating foods, and maintain a balanced diet. If necessary, please consult a doctor for further understanding of the situation.