
My son is just over one year old, and recently he’s been complaining of ear pain. Upon examination, it was found that his earwax is in a yellowish pus-like state, and it’s accumulated in large amounts. His appetite isn’t great, and his throat seems a bit uncomfortable as well. How should this condition be treated?


Antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are common methods and medications for treating pediatric middle ear infections. Parents can choose the appropriate medication based on the symptoms. You can try regional treatment with ear drops that have anti-inflammatory properties. If the child’s ear pain is significant, painkillers can be used to relieve the pain. If the child has a fever, you can consider giving him fever-reducing medication. However, if the fever persists and does not subside, immediate medical attention is necessary. Middle ear infections are prone to recurrence, and if an eardrum perforation occurs, timely medical treatment is essential. During the treatment process, it is also important to arrange for a light and nutritious diet for the child to help him recover as soon as possible.