
Why is a thyroid function test necessary when a newborn shows jaundice?


Newborn jaundice can be categorized into physiological and pathological types. Physiological jaundice typically appears 2 to 3 days after birth and resolves naturally within 5 to 7 days. The duration of jaundice does not exceed two weeks, and bilirubin levels do not exceed 12, usually requiring no special treatment. However, pathological jaundice may be accompanied by primary diseases, with more severe jaundice levels, longer course, and bilirubin levels higher than 12. It may present clinical symptoms, and in severe cases, can even lead to bilirubin encephalopathy. At this point, treatment for the primary disease is necessary to alleviate the symptoms of jaundice. When considering the possibility of thyroid dysfunction, it is recommended to bring the newborn to the hospital for routine blood tests, bilirubin testing, thyroid function tests, and thyroid ultrasound examination.