
My child is now 80 days old and has been breastfed. They started having adult-like bowel movements at 52 days old, initially every 3 days, but now the longest interval is every 6 days. However, the baby eats normally, does not cry or fuss, and shows no discomfort. Is this normal? If not, what are the strategies?


Pooping every six days is definitely not ideal. First, it’s important to adjust the mother’s diet, suggesting she eat more vegetables and fruits and less meat. If the situation persists, consider giving the baby a little sesame oil, but this should be based on the baby’s age and specific circumstances. Generally, breastfed babies may have longer intervals between bowel movements, but the consistency should not be too hard. Strengthening the feeding may be necessary, possibly including oral probiotics, or consulting a hospital for further examination.