
My daughter is now 11 months old, and she has always been a night owl since birth, waking up 6 to 8 times, occasionally 2 to 3 times. After waking up, she must breastfeed from me before she can go to the bathroom. The doctor said she is deficient in calcium, and I don’t know the reason. Could you please help me analyze this? Thank you.


Based on your description, it’s possible that she might be waking up due to a full bladder. If you change her diaper when she wakes up at night and then feed her milk, she should fall back asleep shortly. It could also be due to a calcium deficiency. You might consider supplementing her with calcium. Additionally, I suggest that you reduce her naps during the day and gradually cultivate a regular sleep schedule for her. Try to keep her active during the day and ensure she eats well and urinates before bedtime for a more restful sleep. Taking her out to get some sunlight during the day is also beneficial.