
My baby experienced asphyxia for about 15 minutes due to a neck wrap during birth. The doctor recommended sending the baby to a warming box for observation and to undergo a brain CT scan, but I am worried about the serious effects of radiation from the CT on my baby. Is 15 minutes of neonatal asphyxia severe?


In general, asphyxia lasting for 15 minutes is considered mild and does not leave any sequelae. Only moderate and severe asphyxia may lead to corresponding sequelae. However, it is also very important for the baby’s postnatal care. Whether the baby will have sequelae after the asphyxia incident depends on the Apgar score at that time. If the baby’s Apgar score is very low, it indicates that the asphyxia was severe at that moment, which may have caused damage to vital organs. Some babies may have neurological sequelae.