
After a few months of birth, parents notice that the baby’s skin continues to appear yellowish without any sign of fading. After hospital examination, the doctor informs them that the bilirubin level is 12. The parents want to understand if this value falls within the normal range.


A newborn’s bilirubin level of 12 is on the higher side, but this phenomenon is relatively common in newborns. If severe, it may cause damage to the baby’s nervous system. Therefore, if such a situation is detected, immediate medical treatment should be sought. With professional medical treatment, jaundice can be effectively controlled, and parents should not be overly concerned. Daily advice includes allowing the baby to get appropriate sun exposure, which helps in the fading of jaundice. At the same time, it is necessary to assess whether it is due to breast milk jaundice and to continuously monitor the baby’s bilirubin level changes.