
A parent is seeking advice on how to supplement Vitamin D for their eight-month-old son. The parent is considering using cod liver oil but is confused about choosing between drops and capsules, and has mentioned struggling to find drops at several pharmacies. Additionally, the parent inquires about other suitable Vitamin D supplements besides cod liver oil.


Hello: For babies, taking cod liver oil is the best choice for supplementing Vitamin D. Babies typically obtain Vitamin D through sunlight exposure, but due to the thinning of the ozone layer and the increased risk of skin cancer, sunbathing is no longer a safe source of Vitamin D. Therefore, babies should start supplementing with Vitamin D within the first two months after birth, with a daily recommended intake of 200 International Units (IU). Although formula milk on the market has added Vitamin D, if a baby’s daily intake of formula milk is less than 50 IU, supplementation may be necessary.