
How should pediatric epilepsy be treated? After accidentally falling, the child has been having seizures and holding their breath ten times a day. Today, they cannot walk. I would like to inquire about the treatment for this condition and which public hospital in Tianjin is considered the best and most authoritative for treating this disease?


Epilepsy is a chronic brain disorder caused by sudden abnormal discharge of brain neurons, leading to temporary brain dysfunction. Epileptic seizures are clinical phenomena caused by abnormal brain neurons and excessive ultra-synchronous abnormal discharges. In order to prevent seizures, it is necessary to first repair damaged brain neuron cells, restore the function of neuron cells, and make weak biological electricity in the brain generate orderly, thereby achieving the goal of completely eliminating seizures. Specific treatment methods need to be determined according to the patient’s specific condition, and it is recommended that you consult a local professional doctor as soon as possible. Regarding the situation of treating pediatric epilepsy in public hospitals in the Tianjin area, I am unable to provide specific information; please consult relevant medical institutions for details.