
A four-year-old child has been frequently complaining of abdominal pain for nearly half a year, but their mental state does not show any significant discomfort. They have previously sought traditional Chinese medicine treatment, diagnosed with intestinal spasm, and were given medication for six days, but after four days of taking the medicine, the symptoms did not improve. The child continues to complain of pain around the umbilicus and internally. If further examination is needed, what projects should be carried out? What could be the possible causes?


There are various reasons for frequent abdominal complaints in children, with most cases related to poor dietary habits, such as consuming spoiled or unclean food, or giving inappropriate foods. Overconsumption of cold and cool foods may lead to conditions like intestinal spasm, enteritis, or acute pancreatitis, which can then cause abdominal pain. It is important to seek medical treatment for the child promptly and strengthen dietary management. Abdominal pain often results from improper diet, and sometimes parents may inadvertently allow their children to eat spoiled or unclean food, which can lead to abdominal pain, diarrhea, and bloating. Some children may develop poor hygiene habits, leading to abdominal pain before meals and after meals.