
Doctor, a six-month-old baby has been experiencing continuous diarrhea symptoms for five days. Despite undergoing injection and intravenous treatments, the symptoms have not improved. The diarrhea has become increasingly severe, with blood threads in the stool. How should treatment be approached to achieve better results in this situation?


The treatment for pediatric diarrhea should focus on several aspects: Firstly, parents should provide appropriate nutrition for their child by encouraging them to eat to maintain nutritional supply. If diarrhea or vomiting is severe, temporary fasting for 4 to 6 hours may be necessary, but water should never be withheld. Promptly correct imbalances in water and electrolyte balance. At the same time, control intestinal and extraintestinal infections, treat symptoms accordingly, and strengthen care to prevent complications. Additionally, avoid the excessive use of antibiotics. Pediatric diarrhea is quite common in life, and if a child unlucky becomes ill, it is important for parents to…