
Dear Doctor: Hello! A parent has reported that their three-year-old child recently has been experiencing defecation intervals extending to three days or more, with the feces appearing as beads during defecation, and the process being quite strenuous. The parent is confused about the causes, solutions, and preventive measures for this phenomenon and is seeking professional advice.


In hot weather, children are prone to internal heat and insufficient water intake, which may lead to constipation. To alleviate this issue, parents should ensure that their child consumes adequate water (avoiding milk drinks or juice drinks as these beverages not only fail to replenish water but also consume the body’s water), and avoid ingesting foods that may cause internal heat (such as hot fruits, biscuits, and puffed snacks, etc.) in their diet. For the current constipation situation, increasing the child’s water intake is the primary measure. If the child does not have frequent constipation, appropriate water supplementation can usually effectively improve the defecation problem.