
A seven-month-old male infant is currently on a mixed feeding regimen, which includes breast milk, formula milk, rice porridge, and fruit purees as solid foods. The formula milk intake is 210 milliliters each time. Recently, the baby has refused to use the bottle and shows no interest in solid foods such as rice porridge. He only accepts breast milk. However, if fed with chopsticks, he is willing to eat. The parents are anxious about this situation. How should they handle it?


The main reasons for a baby not liking to eat solid foods can be attributed to two points. Firstly, it could be because the child has already become accustomed to the taste of formula milk or breast milk and needs time to gradually adapt. Alternatively, the solid foods prepared by the mother may not meet the child’s taste preferences. When preparing solid foods, you can add a small amount of children’s soy sauce to make them more acceptable to the child. Additionally, it is important to ensure a variety of food types and a balanced diet. Another possible reason is that the child’s digestive function is poor. If the child often has diarrhea or bloating, it is recommended to seek professional medical advice.