
A five-month-old female infant was found to have external hydrocephalus through MRI, and the cytomegalovirus test was positive. Intelligence tests, physical development tests, and electroencephalogram results all showed normal. However, the baby exhibits symptoms of unstable head support and unwillingness to stand. What treatment methods should be adopted? Is it possible to develop complications?


The diagnosis of so-called “external hydrocephalus” is actually not accurate. Infants may have incomplete brain development due to various reasons, causing the brain tissue and skull to not be completely filled, but not in a vacuum state; rather, it is filled with fluid. This condition is different from “hydrocephalus” caused by trauma or other reasons, as the fluid filling actually helps brain development, and therefore does not require treatment. It is recommended to observe for a period of time; if there is still developmental delay by around one year old, then consider further measures.