My baby is almost five months old and has had a bit of diarrhea these days. It’s mostly just after feeding, with the stool becoming thicker and yellowish, a bit dry, but then it becomes a bit runny after a while, sometimes with some mucus. It’s been going on for two or three days now. What should I do?
The main symptoms of baby diarrhea include loose stool and increased frequency. When there is yellow-green stool with small amounts of mucus or indigestion, the patient may not be dehydrated or may have mild to moderate dehydration. In severe cases of diarrhea, there may be more than ten or even dozens of bowel movements in a day. Other possible symptoms include fever, loss of appetite, vomiting, mild to severe dehydration, electrolyte loss, acid-base imbalance, which may cause the baby to appear listless or restless, have abdominal pain, pale and dry skin, sunken eyes, sunken fontanelle, reduced tears during crying, cold limbs, decreased urine output, and even shock. The cause of baby diarrhea requires corresponding analysis and treatment.