
The child is only 5 years old, very smart, and recently diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This condition is said to be troublesome and difficult to treat. I don’t have a good specialist hospital for this either. How is ADHD treated in children?


Due to the child’s tendency to be overly confident and stubborn, impulsive, and lacking self-control, they often do not stick together and can argue with others. Their behavior is either childish or peculiar, aimless, mischievous, truant, prone to fighting, and even lying or stealing, despite no educational help. In rare cases, personality and behavioral defects may persist into adulthood. In the diet of ADHD children, we must avoid MSG, consume less beverages, yogurt, sugar, and puff snacks. It is easier to eat eggs, milk, potatoes, etc. Daily care for such children is also necessary to avoid unnecessary harm caused by hyperactivity.