
My son is almost 6 months old and has been exclusively on formula milk. A couple of days ago, he had diarrhea after eating a variety of foods, with watery stools and milk curds. His appetite and mental state are good. I don’t know what immediate remedies there are for stopping the diarrhea?


If the diarrhea is not due to eating something bad, it’s best not to take medication lightly; the safety of the baby is the most important. Make sure to drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration. You can give your baby some cooked apples; cut the apples into pieces and simmer them in porridge. Cooked apples have a regulating effect on the intestines and can dry up stools; you can also feed your baby cooked apple puree. Cover your baby’s abdomen when they sleep to prevent catching a cold; when the environmental temperature is too low, you can use a hot water bottle to warm the area, but be sure to control the temperature to avoid burning the baby; drinking warm beverages or gently rubbing your baby’s abdomen with warm hands can also help. Pay attention to observe if your baby has any specific diarrhea after eating certain foods; if so, please consult a doctor to rule out foodborne or allergic diseases.